A process to reclaim your life energy and get free.

What Is Finding Forgiveness?

Finding Forgiveness is a transformative one-on-one experience, approximately two hours in length, during which you will be guided through a process to find forgiveness with a person in your life who you are holding resentment towards or struggling to find completion with.

Freedom Through Forgiving

We have all been hurt, many times over. But there are certain hurts, that no matter how much work we’ve done to get over, no matter how much time we’ve spent grieving, or raging, or talking about in therapy, we haven’t quite been able to let go completely. We’re still carrying some of the resentment, anger, or betrayal. Maybe it’s faint, like a bruise that only hurts when poked, but it’s there. Whatever it is, these people and events are taking up mental and emotional real estate inside of you that they do not need to. They are wounds that are still taking some of your life energy, but that energy is yours to reclaim.

Over and again in my life I have found the only way to find true freedom from the past is through forgiving, but I also know it’s not always easy to do. Many of us are afraid we aren’t ready or won’t be able to, or we believe we are simply destined to live out our lives carrying these dull aches. 

I am a stand for this not being true. I believe we all have the capacity to take agency in our lives, reclaim our life energy and move forward with more space and inner peace. This process evolved out of my desire to help others find their way there, and I want to work with anyone who desires this freedom for themselves.

Misconceptions About Forgiving…

Forgiveness Is NOT:

- Forgetting what happened.

- Condoning what happened, or making it “okay.”

- Conditional on what someone else says or does.

- An act for anyone other than you.

 Forgiveness Is:

- Giving up all hopes of a better past.

- Unburdening yourself from negative emotions.

- Reclaiming the life energy you have been giving away to someone else.

- An act for you.

Who do you need to forgive?

The Finding Forgiveness experience works with anyone in your life you have unresolved feelings with. However, this work is not a replacement for the hard work of engaging directly with those you have conflict with; this is the inner work. If you are actively engaged in conflict with someone, a direct conflict resolution process such as mediation may be recommended.

  • Ex-lovers, spouses, creative partners, business partners, collaborators and friends.

  • Those who are deceased, who you are estranged from or no longer on speaking terms with.

  • Parents or other family members who are unwilling or unable to be with hurt you are holding from the past.

  • Childhood bullies, abusive former bosses, perpetrators of any kind.

  • Someone you are in a mediation, litigation or settlement process with that has you wanting to show up to the negotiation with fewer emotional needs.

  • Anyone you are still in relationship with who you don’t trust is available to meet you in your experience.

And, an act of forgiveness towards someone else, inevitably includes an act of forgiveness toward oneself.


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